Search Tips

We're pretty much always (well, ok, sometimes) working to make our search better and even more useful. But that won't help, if we don't tell you about what our search can do. So, read on. 

First, like most searches, you can use basic logic: AND, NOT, OR.  Vaguely remember a wine that has 'Chateau' in the name, and is from Chile?  Well, you could just search on Chateaux, but that will find you all of the wines with Chateau in it, including all those from Bordeaux.  

So, try searching on 'Chateau AND Chile'  You won't find anything, because I picked a bad example.  So try 'Chateau NOT Bordeaux', and you'll have more luck.  You'll see that there are some Bordeaux wines there. That's because the region hasn't been filled in for those, probably, and so the term Bordeaux isn't in the product information. But it gets you closer.

Second, Let's suppose, for some reason, you want to search on France, rather than using the Country filter to restrict your search. If you just type France and hit enter, you'll also get all the Cabernet Franc wines. That's because the system is trying to be smart, and thinks 'France' could be a misspelling of 'Franc'. Annoying, but logical. 

To avoid this, put the term in double quotation marks:  "France". That will tell the system to match the exact spelling.  And voila!, no more Cabernet Franc, unless it also mentions France. 

Third, Erm, watch this space. I had another point, but can't recall it right now. 

99 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LD
Tuesday-Saturday 11am-7pm