99 Wines

Coming soon:

99 Wines.  
We probably have more than that, but lost count. But not sure what you want apart from some savings? Then why not try our new 99 Wines case, where you get six of our wines for £99. Each month we'll carefully select 6 wines across a variety of styles for you to enjoy. 

There are three varietals of case to choose from, 6 red, 6 white, or 3 of each.  

Second, but not in a sense of 'lesser':
Spines & Wines
No, not skeletons. (Check back nearer to Halloween, though.) Spines as in the spine of a book. Yes, imagine a book of the month club with wine! Or a wine of the month club with a book! Either way, each month get a bottle of wine matched to a book. Be posh and sip your wine whilst reading your book. Or accidentally drop the book in the bath, and then drink the wine to drown your sorrow at the book you ruined.   

Bookmark this page and check back often. Or maybe just sign up to our emails to be notified that way. 

99 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LD
Tuesday-Saturday 11am-7pm